This is what happened after the Mahabharata war!!!
Things happened after the Mahabharata war which is something weren’t taught and read in any books. It was so horrifying that despite lasting for only eighteen days, around 80 % of Indian male population died in this war of Kurukshetra, this war is to be considered as one of the cruellest wars in human history, and at the end, we all know that Pandavas won and Kauravas lost. But did we ever think of what happened after that? Well, here are the answers.
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At the entrance to heaven, Lord Yama, disguised as a dog, reveals his identity and takes Yudhishthira on a hanging tour of Hell, before allowing him to enter heaven. In hell, Yudhishthira justifies his brothers and Draupadi for their sins. After this, Lord Indira takes Yudhishthira to heaven and promises him that his brother and Draupadi will be there. This is how this story ends and everyone left the mortal world. After this, Kali Yuga started, which is the world we are in and we know today. Today in this kali yuga we still see the bad consequences of Mahabharata in the minds of people but there is always a ray crossing every path easily and lightning us in dark times whether that light is of sun or moon, find that ray inside you, and each of us have our purpose of living, if we seriously concentrate on the lessons on which the whole Mahabharata happened then the conclusion we came up is Mahabharat is on the value of Dharma and karma. The lessons in Mahabharata were given in a holy book Bhagwat Geeta, we all know about this book but not all of we have read this, and if you read it you’ll find the best strong lessons of life in the lines of each, shlokas said by Shree Krishna.
यो मामजमनादिं च वेत्ति लोकमहेश्वरम् । असम्मूढः स मर्त्येषु सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते ॥10.3॥
भावार्थ :जो मुझको अजन्मा अर्थात् वास्तव में जन्मरहित, अनादि (अनादि उसको कहते हैं जो आदि रहित हो एवं सबका कारण हो) और लोकों का महान् ईश्वर तत्त्व से जानता है, वह मनुष्यों में ज्ञानवान् पुरुष संपूर्ण पापों से मुक्त हो जाता है ।
Very well done written .
ReplyDeleteGood post. Nicely written. Keep up the good work.