Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Melody Beats: The Rhythm of Life


Photo by Spencer Imbrock on Unsplash

Music is a kind of great sound which make every scene of our life more perfect and memorable and each one of us has different tastes in music or different melodies like pop, rap, rock, metal, classical, R&B, and EDMs all of these known as genres or simply sad or mad type of music which we love to listen more often. And as we think of expression and emotion, music does have the power to express any feeling of our heart. Many of the God-gifted gifts like violent, guitar, sitar, tabla, piano, etc create so melodious and great sounds that cannot be ever compared to each other.

Photo by Stefany Andrade on Unsplash

“ Music is a world within itself with a language that we all understand.”
-by Stevie Wonder

People speak their truth, express their feelings and tell their experiences through music and if this is done by our whole heart then that music connects to every heart and that is why we have our own choices for our favourite singers. Those singers whose voices we love to listen to very often whose voices make our day that sweetest voice by which we forget our tensions. Actually, music makes us forget every bad feeling and gives us a different vision to overview the situations to realize what is happening and then ignoring.

“I love music. Music is the morning coffee. It’s good medicine. It’s pure magic. A good song is like a good meal. I just want to inhale it and then share a bite with someone else too.” -by Hoda Cobb

We enjoy music when we are in a party mood, when we are happy we obviously enjoy music and when we are in a funny mood but we actually listen to the lyrics when we are in a sad mood and actually when sad music makes us cry sometimes, it means that the magic of music also wants us to forget that bad memory and let it go in form of tears. 
So let’s just stop the fast-moving life for a second and listen to whatever type of music we love whether it is the old 90s songs or the new generation ones. That one best song which makes you remember your loved ones or old beautiful memories, which makes you happy, which makes you inspired, which makes you inhale the positivity around you and let out all the negativity inside you.

Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash

This is true that our playlist reveals our personality that what we are inside even the songs which we often listen to reveal our inner happenings all of us are music lovers secretly because is a kind of magic which actually does miracles in our heart and brains it creates amazing vibes in us, and it is the best way for anyone to show their feelings, each type of music has their own identity, and music always connects to the heart, truly it works like a medicine to heart.

by team About "LIFE" Buzz


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